Occasionally I am asked, “What does Medicare supplement plan F cover? Does Medigap plan F cover catastrophic illness? How much does it cost? Is Medicare supplement plan F the best?”
Medicare supplement Plan F is the most comprehensive of all the Medigap plans.
It is also the most expensive . . . and one favored by most agents, especially the lazy and greedy ones.
What Does Plan F Cover?
Medicare supplement plan F is very easy to explain, which is one reason it is often the only plan pitched by lazy agents. Quite simply, plan F covers 100% of all approved Medicare Part A and Part B expenses, including any excess charges.
Medigap plan F covers 100% of deductibles, copay’s and coinsurance for Medicare approved charges.
Pretty simple, huh?
The lazy agent sale.
Not much to explain. You don’t need pie charts or fancy brochures. Medicare supplement plan F can be explained in 60 seconds or less.
You can also review plan F costs in 60 seconds by clicking the image below.
Does Medigap Plan F Cover Catastrophic Illness?
Yes, and catastrophic accidents as well.
You don’t need a supplement to Medicare supplement plan F. If a lazy agent tries to sell you a hospital plan or a cancer plan in addition to plan F they are really looking out for their wallet and not yours.
There are some situations where you may WANT a cancer plan, especially if your family has a history of cancer.
Between Medicare and your Medicare supplement plan F 100% of your approved Medicare Part A and Part B charges are covered.
Outpatient Rx charges are a different matter.
Most Medicare Part D prescription drug plans have a LOT of out of pocket, especially for the more expensive drugs. All drug plans have formulary’s and some high priced drugs may not be covered at all.
So if you consider a supplemental catastrophic plan, such as a cancer plan, buy it for the RIGHT reasons. Not because an agent simply wanted to earn a bigger commission by selling you more coverage you may not want or need.
How much does Medicare Supplement Plan F Cost?
Plan F has the highest premium of any of the 11 approved Medigap plans.
If you want Medigap plan F be prepared to pay a higher than is necessary premium, especially if you buy from Blue Cross, Humana, Mutual of Omaha or United (AARP). All of those carriers charge more because of name recognition. Blue and Mutual are among the highest at almost any age.
All Medicare supplement plan F policies are identical in every way.
Every way except price.
When you pay more you don’t get more, you simply paid too much.
Did you check plan F rates using the link above?
If not, do so right now.
I will wait.
Is Medigap Plan F the Best Plan for Me?
Only you can answer that.
My job is to explain the way Medicare works, including how your Medigap plan coordinates with Medicare to limit your out of pocket costs while allowing you to use any doctor, lab or hospital anywhere in the U.S.
No claim forms.
No provider networks.
Easy peasy.
The best Medigap plan for you is one that meets your needs and budget. If that describes plan F, then that is the best plan for you.
Almost everyone I talk to NEEDS advice in picking a plan that is right, but too many don’t want advice. They remind me of the Anacin commercial from years ago.
“Mother please! I would rather do it myself.”
She didn’t have just a headache. She had an Anacin headache complete with the lightning and hammer.
Georgia Medicare Plans has over 200 clients and everyone of them saved money, some as much as $1700 per year. Most of them do not buy plan F because we take the time to educate them on the value that is found in other options.
So did you get your Medicare supplement plan F quote?
Did you provide a valid email address and phone number? If not you are missing the best part.
Most carriers do not allow their rates to be published online. The best online rate can usually be beat by $30 per month or more, and if you only look at plan F you will pay more than is needed.
When you pay more you don’t get more, you simply paid too much.