This Medicare money grab comes from the White House (WH) by way of the CBO (Congressional Budget Office. The last one we offered up was "bi-partisan" and came from the House. The House …
Medicare Traps and Mistakes
You are turning 65. What are the Medicare traps and mistakes most retirees make in navigating the Medicare maze? One wrong decision can cost you thousands of dollars. Your choice is much more …
Free Colonscopy
Free colonoscopy! Courtesy of Obamacare, everyone is entitled to a free colonoscopy when it is age appropriate. You may also be eligible for a colonoscopy at no charge (to you) based on your medical …
Maximizing Social Security
Getting the most out of your Social Security? Maybe not. New ways to maximize your SS benefit. Social Security is one of the most complex government run benefit programs that touches every U.S. …
Medicare Changes Cost Retirees
Proposed Medicare changes in the way doctors are paid could mean YOU pay more for your health care. While Congress tries to contain the cost of Medicare it is obvious they are not thinking of you. …
What Does Medigap Plan N Cover?
What does Medigap plan N cover? Medigap Plan N is a relatively new Medicare supplement plan that came into existence in 2010. It is now the 3rd most popular plan in Georgia behind plans F and …