Medigap rates in Georgia. When you shop Medigap rates in Georgia you will only find a few plans. At least 20 carriers offer Medicare supplement insurance but only half a dozen post their Medigap rates online.
So how do you find information for the other 15 or so GA Medigap rates?
Table of Contents
Online Medigap Rates
You call or go online and fill out your data in a lead generation site that turns around and sells your private information to a dozen or more agents. Then your phone rings off the hook for days on end.
Most agents will insist on coming to your house. They will not quote Medigap rates over the phone.
It’s a trap!
Once they are in the door they won’t leave until you buy or threaten to call the cops.
If two show up at your door they are not Mormon missionaries but a rookie agent and his manager. They will double team you and pressure you to buy.
And oh the lies they will tell . . .
Shop Medigap Rates Without the Hassle
Georgia Medicare Plans is different.
We don’t sell your information to anyone. The only one that will call is Bob Vineyard, founder of Georgia Medicare Plans.
When we call you will be given an opportunity to let us know what you are looking for and how much you can afford. We have access to Medigap rates for over a dozen of the most competitive Medigap carriers in Georgia and will always show you the lowest Medigap rates.
Finding the Lowest Medigap Rates
If you are a female, age 67, living in rural Georgia Medicare supplement plan F will have rates ranging from $176 to $127.
Why would you pay $176 for the same plan you can get for $127? It makes no sense to overpay.
You can probably find the $176 Medigap rates if you go to the carriers site but why try that hard?
Even the major carriers will illustrate rates of $161 – $139. Those Medigaprates are from Blue Cross, Gerber, Mutual of Omaha, Humana and Assured.
So where do you find the $127 rate?
This carrier does not allow their Medigap rates to be posted online so the only way to get that rate is to ask one of the few agents in the state that are approved to offer plans from that carrier.
If you are going to shop for GA Medigap rates you can spend a lot of time searching and calling. Or you can go to the leading resource for information and Georgia Medicare Plans and Medigap rates. We want to help.
When you are getting prepared to do your enrollment for Medicare, you will want to learn about all of the parts of Medicare