Medicare Part D is confusing to me. Why is that? What makes it so hard to understand? What is the donut hole? I thought it was going away. What's wrong with picking the plan with the lowest premium . …
Pick a Drug Plan
Pick a drug plan, Medicare 101. Finding the RIGHT Part D plan is the most challenging part of Medicare. Experienced agents often get it wrong. Medicare Part D has a lot of moving parts. …
Am I Required to Buy a Medicare Drug Plan?
Am I required to buy a Medicare drug plan? What if I don't take drugs? Can I wait until I need a plan? GA Medicare expert Bob Vineyard explains. Is Medicare Part D required by law? What is the best …
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Medicare Things You Don’t Know
Medicare things you don't know (but wish you did). Questions you never asked because no one told you. And you will pay dearly if you are not prepared. There are things about Medicare that will …
Medicare Drug Plan Fail
Medicare drug plans fail when you least expect it. I remember it well. It was sunny and warm. After leaving my dermatologist and stopping by the drug store to pick up my new prescription my …
Don’t Buy a Medicare Drug Plan
Don't buy a Medicare drug plan. Don't buy it from Blue Cross, AARP, Humana or any other carrier. Don't buy a drug plan from a company website. Don't buy Part D from an agent. Not any agent. And …