Medicare Plans in Georgia for 2023.
Why search the web looking for Medicare information when ALL your questions can be answered here? Call or email!
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Click this link. Medigap Rates!
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Useful Medicare information by phone or email and no sales pressure. Bob Vineyard has an offer you can’t refuse . .
Invest 10 minutes by phone. Ask ANY question. If you like what you hear I will give you as much time as you need. If not, we part as friends.
It’s not personal, just business.
How easy is that?
You have Medicare questions – I have answers

Medicare and Medicare Supplement Information
You can spend hours searching the web, asking friends, talking to insurance agents . . . in your home or on the phone.
How much fun is that?
You go online looking for Georgia Medicare plans and rates. You give your personal information and then it happens.
Your phone rings off the hook. Strangers calling from all over the country offering TODAY’S “absolute lowest rates“. Pressuring you to buy something you don’t want, don’t need and can’t afford.
Who needs that kind of hassle?
Why go through all that when all you need to do is call or email? How does Medicare work and how much does it cost? An offer you can’t refuse . . .
Follow this link to my quote request page
Medicare Things You Don’t Know
Medicare things you don’t know but wished you did . . .
You don’t need to be a Medicare expert. But you also need to know where to look for answers.
And which questions to ask. Such as . . .
- Can I keep my doctor?
- Will ANY doctor or hospital accept my plan?
- Are referrals to a specialist required?
- What are the out of network penalties?
- How does pre-authorization work?
There are plenty of things about Medicare plans in Georgia that will surprise you. And here are just a few.
Did you know almost every doctor and hospital in the country takes traditional Medicare. But there are many that will not accept Advantage plan patients. And most of the top name hospitals and clinics often do not participate in Advantage plans.
Do Medicare Plans in Georgia Cover Cancer Treatment?
All Medicare plans cover cancer testing, diagnosis and treatment. But the way your claims are paid vary greatly.
- Does Medicare cover cancer screening?
- Is chemotherapy covered?
- Will Medicare deny my claim for treatment?
- Can I go to a specialty center like Mayo, Sloan Kettering or MD Anderson?
- Do I need a referral or pre-authorization
GA Medicare Advantage plans have a lot of moving parts. For instance, you will encounter networks and referrals. About 80% of Advantage plans require pre-authorization.
Most cancer treatment centers do NOT participate in Medicare Advantage networks. Don’t wait until you NEED treatment before finding out if your plan is accepted or not.
When you have original Medicare insurance and a supplement plan you can receive cancer treatment anywhere. You will not be turned away from Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, Sloan-Kettering or any other cancer treatment center.
And then there are copay’s which range from a few dollars to several hundred. Every time you are prodded or poked you should expect to PAY for that care.
Moving parts and a LOT of out of pocket expenses. Most GA Medicare Advantage plans will at least limit your costs to $6700 for the year. But that only applies to IN NETWORK APPROVED charges.
And it does not include your cost for prescription drugs.
Traditional Medicare does not have networks. You can use any doctor or hospital in the United States. If you have an original Medicare plan you do not have to get permission from an insurance carrier before having a test or treatment. If your doctor says you need a medically necessary test or treatment, Medicare does not intervene.
Medicare Plans in Georgia – Access to Healthcare
All too often the focus is on the COST of health care. You must always consider where you can, or cannot, be treated.
- Can I use my Georgia Medicare plan anywhere?
- Will some doctors refuse to accept my plan?
- What if Medicare denies my claim?
The American Cancer Society tells us that more than half the 1.4 million new cancer diagnoses occur in people age 65 and older. Roughly 20% of retiree deaths are a result of cancer. Medicare pays for almost half of the $74 billion spent on cancer treatment. The elderly account for 70% of cancer deaths each year.
Some cancer centers, such as Mayo Clinic, Sloan Kettering and MD Anderson may not participate in certain Medicare Advantage plans.
The Cancer Society says 80% of cancers are treated with chemotherapy. Advantage plans have large copay’s for chemo treatment.
Traditional Medicare and a supplement plan does not have copay’s. Currently the most popular Medicare plan in Georgia is the G plan. When you have original Medicare and supplement plan G your out of pocket cost is normally limited to the Part B deductible.
Less out of pocket with a Medicare supplement plan. No network hassles. Don’t have to deal with pre-authorization.
What’s not to love?
Do I Need a Medigap Plan?
You don’t NEED one but you probably WANT one.
Traditional Medicare does not limit your out of pocket expenses. You pay until you get better, run out of money, or die.
- If I enroll in an Advantage plan can I later switch to a supplement plan?
- Can I change Medigap plans during the Annual Open Enrollment?
- If all the same letter Medigap plans are the same, why not pick the one with the lowest premium?
- Do all plans include Silver Sneakers?
- How do I know I am getting the best possible rate and not overpaying for coverage?
Here is something to consider.
When you turn 65 and enroll in Medicare, that may be your only time where you can buy Medicare plans in Georgia. Even Medicare says “The BEST time to buy a Medigap policy is during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period”. (Page 14 of the CHOOSING A MEDIGAP POLICY booklet).
Just so you know, you have only ONE Medigap Open Enrollment Period.
“The period lasts for 6 months and begins on the first day of the month in which you BOTH turn 65 AND are enrolled in Medicare Part B.”
Do NOT confuse this with the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period that occurs every fall.
You have a lot of decisions to make when you turn 65 and enroll in Medicare. If you had employer group insurance before you never had to worry about buying health insurance. It was done for you.
This is different.
You have been on this earth for 65 years and never had to deal with making decisions about which plan was right for you. Or how much it would cost. And how much you would pay for your health care.
You have questions about Medicare plans in Georgia.
I have answers.
Make a phone call.
Give me 10 minutes by phone and then decide. Either you like what you hear or you don’t.
If that time on the phone is not worthwhile we part as friends. After all, it isn’t personal, it’s just business.
It is an offer you can’t refuse.
Where do I find Medicare plans in Georgia?
Call or email Bob Vineyard @ GA Medicare Plans. Invest 10 minutes on the phone. Ask ANY Medicare question. If you like what you hear and want more information, I will stay on the phone as long as you wish. If you don’t feel the information is valuable, we hang up and part as friends. No selling . . . EVER.
Who is Georgia Medicare Plans?
Georgia Medicare Plans is a local agency dedicated 100% to Medicare clients. We have over 500 clients all over the state. Every one has original Medicare and a supplement plan. We do not have ANY Medicare Advantage clients and never will.
What are Medicare supplement plans?
Medicare supplement plans, also known as Medigap, pick up the “gaps” in coverage after original Medicare pays your claim. I invite you to visit our YouTube channel and learn more about Medicare.
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